Saturday, June 5, 2010

There's a world outside the home.

The morning. Everyone rises with The Sun, ripening their eyes, bursting the fruit of sight.

Noon. The time of the day where you're nearly awake, still wishing you were back in bed.

Afternoon. You finally except your bed is miles away. With a jump of relief you ejaculate out of the building and search for food.

Evening. The Sun is squinting and is sick of looking at you. The lights turn on, the surroundings never got a chance to darken. People flee indoors. The world disappears and a smaller one forms withing your house. A world with its own food source in a fridge. No need to hunt down berries, bulls or children. You have ham and bread. You are sorted. Tea pots exploding with gallon's of tea.

Night. The world has decided that you are a bollocks. The street lights snare at you as you walk from them to home, if you had not left at evening.

Post Midnight. You are blank minded and can do nothing to stop drooling. Yawns will lash out on you.

The other thing. You're not so great. Eh. I am? Or...Hmm. I was trying to say something. But. Well. Y'know. Have I? Maybe I should go to bed. No-one in existence is awake. Cities die and even Australia and Africa are sleeping. You are on your own and procrastinating. You only realise this after an hour of watching LOLCats. You fool.

Bed. You're there. When did that happen? You're asleep. You never seen it coming. All you know is that you are. Well. Not currently. But you'll know when you awake.

Awake. Birds. Alarm. Asleep.

Awake 2. I'll get up now so.

Awake 3. I didn't know I turned off my alarm.

Dinner/Breakfast. It's very early.

2 minutes later. Night.

I didnt even see The Sun today. Maybe 'cause it's not...
If I wake in the night I tend not to.

The Sun comes. It goes. Lights replace it. You block out your own lights with curtains.
Hello again.

Long story short. You're a prick.

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