Friday, July 16, 2010


Aint Nathin' Purtier than coffee stained mug.
The Stain is in the shape of Majorca.

I think it's a sign.

A sign that you're a bollocks.

If you fail to draw sense from that statement, it's likely that you fail at other things too.

You're awful silly.

I feel slightly braindamaged at the moment, so it may take several days to proof read this. If you're as dozy as me(you're more than likely worse), I'll prob have it sorted by the time you get around to reading this.
I've decided to eat more. And to do the majority of it before bed. It's good craic. The disgust of passers-by to find a sleeping fat prick with a pizza slice on his face...wonderful.
I don't think I'll be able to combat the gain of weight. I'll probably just do a few jumping jacks and wear bigger clothes so it feels like I'm becoming incredibly skinny.

Ah I couldn't even be arsed anymore. Enjoy your shallow lives.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Glass Is Half Ignorant

I was topping and tailing berries. Sorting them from one bucket to another in which will go towards making jam. They both came to roughly half way, and I thought, as I was mumbling and moaning as per usual; Am I an optimist or a pessimist?
I noticed in one bucket, which was slightly more than half way up (half full), there was a little spider crawling over the berries. How happy he must have been. All the food he could ever desire surrounding him. Such a nice thought. Every thing's surely looking up for him. He picked the half full bucket and he's sorted.
So I thought from then. I too should be optimistic. In doing so, I will prosper in this world. Happy as can be. So I'm changing my style of writing and my outlook on the world.

Thanks Mr.Spider. I really owe you one :)
This has brought me to a great conclusion.

If you call me a pessimist, I'll boil you in jam.

Fuck off.

Sunday, July 11, 2010


Shawty had them Apple Bottom Jeans

Boots with the fur

The whole club was lookin at her

She hit the flo
Next thing you know
Shawty got low low low low low low low low self esteem because she was portrayed as a conformist to common ideals.
She also had a rash.

I assume the "flo" is the floor. If not, it's possible that he means "the flow".

This could mean either of the following:

Flo Rida: Since he made the chorus, T-Pain may be talking about him. She must have drank too much and hit him. His sexist lyrics might have been a catalyst to him getting his ass handed to him by Shawty.

Flow: She was in her element. She was in the groove. Although if she then became low, then she must have lost it.

Gas Flow: She may have hit a pipeline and due to the resulting fire, she lowered herself to the ground in the hopes that she could crawl out of the scene without harm. : She managed to hit a tolling barrier because she was distracted by the whole club lookin' at hurrr. This brings me back to her low self-esteem and additional paranoia which caused her carelessness.

T-Pain and I are both in amazement as a result of Shawty's actions.

I ain't never seen nuthin that'll make me go,
this crazy all night spendin my dough
Had a million dollar vibe and a bottle to go
Dem birthday cakes, they stole the show

Poor fucker. He spent all of his dough. I told him to hold on to some of it for later. Now he's hungry and I'm not sure what's going on with the birthday cake, but when baked goods steal your possessions, you know there's something wrong.

So sexual, she was flexible
Professional, drinkin X and ooo
Hold up wait a minute, do I see what I think I

Once I thought I thaw a putty tat. But it's very probable that I saw what I think I whoa.

Did I think I seen shorty get low
Ain't the same when it's up that close

T-Pain has discovered perspective. He did in fact see shorty get low as he walked away, but when he came closer, shorty became bigger. See the mouse and the house.

I was on it, sexy woman, let me shownin They be want it two in the mornin

They be wantin' lern2English.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Lonely Jehovah's Witness

He might be a Mormon. Bottom line. He's alone.
Maybe his partner went a separate way. Maybe around your backdoor. Just for the lulz, so he can rear end you with a thrust of the good book.
I got a free Book Of Mormon off two fetching lads before. There's pictures an' all in it. Makes it possible for me to say I've looked through the book and not sound pretentious for not actually having read through the book.
My interactions with religion is....

I wore a Cannibal Corpse t-shirt to mass before, back in the old days of going there.

Something of a similar quality. For those who are unfamiliar with their works.
Me, being ignorant, I didn't notice what people made of me. Let them make what they wish. It wont come true.

Commented on a song of theirs was this:

Monday, July 5, 2010


I am in the prime of my life. As are you (assuming you're my typical reader ~ If not. Leave me a comment, and prove that even you, yourself believes that you're not in the prime of your life).
Youth. Wonderful. When it's gone, we'll spend our days lying to ourselves, saying how great it was.
Look at me. I'm lying on my bed(mattress on the floor), typing above an atmosphere of my own sweat vapour, too lazy to get up and turn the light off so I'm desperately hoping that someone else will get up with a cross face, turning off the light and ordering me to sleep.
You never sleep as well as when you're ordered too. Makes you feel like a Magdalene Sister. Lie on your back and cross your heart.
I'm no fan of dust mites. That's why I keep a messy bed. It reduces their efficiency and thus lowers the chances of me waking up speaking German.

Back to the point. This is probably one of the healthiest and most hopeful points in my life. Maybe yours too. Except I'm better than you. Even if you're really athletic and useful. I've just got it.

I don't mean to boast. But I do.
It's hard to moan about something when you've got that swing. I'll have to wait 'til the song ends before I can bitch.

People don't put leashes on dogs anymore. Backwards world. It's far too warm under this laptop. There's a layer of sweat holding me to my t-shirt. And there you go. My shirt has now taken me off. You could probably masturbate to my blogs in the future. I'll give you detail of every centimetre I scratch of my arse.

You people never sleep. If you're familiar with night-time t.v, you'll more than likely have an AB-KING PRO in your house.
Chances are you'd be able to sell them yourself in over 15languages from one nights viewing.
The word Fantishcika is what convinced me. Although I doubted I could get solid abs in such a short space of time. All hope was almost lost. But they insured me that it was unlike those other money-wasting gimmicks. I certainly didn't want to look like that grumpy woman who didn't like abdominal workouts.
If you buy one of these things, you'll be Gauranteeash Ultaszh Resultaszh! Definitely.

Usually I watch it in German or Swedish, but I'm sure it'll be equally as convincing for you.
I keep it next to all my JML time savers.

Skibbidabebop that Lindy Hop!