Thursday, November 4, 2010

Winter's finally here & You're still a cunt


Here's a country I picked at random that I figured not many people know about. I intend to keep it that way.

90% of the country is covered in mountains.
The other 10% is a pile of shite.

Here's a picture of all the citizens of their largest town. That's the mayor on the left and on the right is one the lads.
The mayor lost his right eye in a tragic winking contest. He hit his head off a wall and forgot how to open his eyelid.

This fella here is the president of Tajikistan. He also sells dry fruit. For the craic.

Their main income is alluminium and cotton.
Their predominant export is ignorance, hence my blog.

Now back to the rest of the world. Reality.

Headphone wires or Ear handles?
You decide.

Next time you look at someone (better from behind) with earphones in, imagine pulling away their ears with the wire stands.

Live Aid.

The idea: To raise funds for relief of the Ethiopian famine by holding massive concerts and such.
In this fundraiser, they informed the Ethiopians about the celebration of Christmas.

I have a similar plan. It shall be known as Live Hate.

The Idea: First, we'll raise funds to hold massive concerts in the most poverty stricken countries around the world.
It's primary idea is for awareness, specifically about Christmas. It will be for the new generations who weren't around for the event in the 80s. All those starving children deserve to know that the rest of the world are enjoying themselves; wasting their money on stupid stuff that they don't need or possibly even want and are all gorging themselves on massive dinners. It's only fair that they know the truth. According to the bible, it'll set you free.

Any ideas for a slogan?

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