Thursday, January 14, 2010

Anti-Social Networking

Socializing has never been as anti-social as it is now.
You don't even have to look at someone, or acknowledge their presence to have a conversation anymore. You can tell them that you're busy when you're quite the opposite. Sitting idle thinking of ways to make people think that you're not wasting your life online. Read a wiki page once a day.

"That day wasn't wasted. I learned something."

Valuable as it was, you could have actually met some people in person and given awkward conversation.
There's no Busy or Away status in the real world. No Block button. You have to face real problems other than a loading screen or someone who's just after "prawning your noob ass".

But, why face problems? Why not stay behind the username and the collection of swords in a fantasy world?
The idea of these games are an escape. But there's no escapism if you're always there.

Maybe it's time to escape from the digital world for once?

Go outside, get cold, get fresh air, human interaction. Real experiences.

Computers generate artificial feelings. But.

Are the simulations better than real life?

You can talk so honestly online 'cause you can't get an immediate smack or be seen blushing.
Easy. But. Unless you can break away, you're stuck. Like a cat in a washing machine.

You can keep clean but Whiskers wont be snuggling up to you when he gurgles up washing detergent on your floor and collapses.

Short story shorter.... We're all lazy scum.

Computers were designed to help our lives, now they are our lives.
Is this what we want?

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